The Zero-axiom

On the ultimate reality, from my work.

The following article focuses on the key concept from my philosophical hodge-podge, and does it very badly. Although what may appear as an semi-academic, and semi-logical framework, actually tucks beneath it an anxious man who knows not what he is talking about. In fact, it can be easily taken as high fantasy, and it would probably be safer that way. You could say that the real author of this blog post is the great universe. I am marely the messenger. And the messenger has a habit of distorting the message.

The Greatest Story Never Told

On the story-view of the universe.

The following is just a short description of a larger thing I’m working on for my book. It’s not supposed to be serious. That is in the very nature of all shows or plays. It’s an intuition, and analogous description of a certain state of affairs, that might or might not be true. The postscript section will contain further information to check out.

Discovering Something Old In The New

On the newfound ancient wisdom.

I recently came across something that might as well be the pinnacle of the last seven or so years in the quest for material for my book project. A friend pointed out to me a branch of philosophy that I never knew existed. But the funny thing is that the subject material found in this philosophy is not entirely new to me. It’s called Perennial Philosophy.

The Cosmological Network - Unveiling the Interdependence of Everything

On the interconnectedness of everything.

Disclaimer: This is a long-bottocks of an article. Probably too long for a blog post. But oh well. It’s taken straight out of my upcoming philosophical hodge-podge. I don’t know what I’m talking about. However, I have tried to provide some kind of footnotes so I’m not COMPLETELY talking out of my arse. So, once again, get some food and drinks because you’re in for a wild ride! If I had to describe the following article in few words, it would be “pseudomystical nonsense.” And I am perfectly happy with that.

Unlocking Extraordinary Productivity - The Magic of GNU Emacs

On my personal experience with GNU Emacs.

This article tells a story about my experiences with the GNU Emacs text editor. Now, mind the rough or lacking edges, as I am not a programmer. This thing is told entirely from perspective of a non-technical (all right, maybe semi-technical) user. More specifically, from the point of view of general writing and productivity.

The Principle, Forms & Their Dynamics

On identity-awareness and the barrier.

In the state of knowledge, or “identity-awareness”, the content of remembrance or original Self is hindered by the subject’s perception. The sensory-experiential field and awareness of the subject, if enabled to permutate through a period of self-reflection after the content without any temporal presence or measurement of time is in effect, the subject has misplaced the regurgitation of experiences to sensory input.

Tis Madness I Tell You

A zeitgeist for insanity.

This article is about madness really. An oldie from few years ago I decided to rewrite and repost for posterity. As always, don’t take it seriously, only sincerely.

Nonsensical Blither-blathering - Part Two

Even more nonsense.

What ensues are even more random thoughts from over the years, from a specific platform for chatting. To those who partook in these conversations, I am grateful. I have left the people in question out of course, so as to not get murdered by them. The ideas have contributed partly over the years to my books, and continue to do so.

Back to the Original

On the plan to write my philosophical book.

Some time ago (3 months ago), I made an announcement about the direction my philosophy book was to be taken towards. But since then, I have come to realize that it would be a disservice to myself if I did it the way I intended, that is to say, writing it purely as a fictional story.
